Maintenance Servicing
BioCycle Service Alarm Response
Have you cleaned your filter?? If not, please see the guide in our Technical Documents tab and clean your filter before contacting us about a High Water Alarm.
The new BioCycle 8200 system includes an alarm (generally located at the tank, or with an optional alarm panel inside the home). The BioCycle electronic controller at the tank has a red beacon attached to the green plastic lid which will flash when alarming, indicating urgent action needed from the residents. Something has gone wrong and may need urgent maintenance to avoid system flooding. An optional alarm panel (audible & visual) may be installed within the house, and should be placed in a visible location. The alarm plate is similar to an ordinary light switch, with two red coloured LED lights. It is important that the alarm only be muted AFTER your BioCycle Service Agent has been contacted.

Internal Alarm Panels
If an optional alarm panel was installed within your home at the time of BioCycle system installation, it will look like one of the two shown here.
The one on the left is low voltage, for use with our new N2P Controller, in use since January 2022.
The panel on the right is 240Volts, and was installed routinely with BioCycle systems prior to 2022.
For the 240Volt alarm panel pictured on the right above, the two lights indicate:
1. AIR pressure alarm: Designed to activate if the air pump ceases to operate, or air pipe breaks/blocks.
2. High WATER level alarm: Designed to activate if the water level in your Pump chamber reaches a critical level. This indicates an abnormally high flow rate of incoming wastewater, or that the irrigation pump is malfunctioning, or the irrigation filter is blocked and needs cleaning.
You should contact your Service Agent within 24 hours if the alarm activates. Either BioCycle Ltd or an authorised agent will then respond to your call. You should also contact your local BioCycle accredited Service Agent if you are going away and expect to be absent from your property for more than 1 month. It's really good planning to have your Service Agent 'activate' your system's bacteria prior to your return.
The domestic BioCycle system provides an air space that can accept an additional 1600 litres, providing protection if the irrigation pump is not able to discharge for any reason. This gives an average 4-person household one to two days' Emergency Storage safety margin.
Routine Maintenance and Emergency Support
Far North - Bay of Islands
Flush Septic Solutions
Matt & Tania Cook
(09) 401 6054
027 844 6672
Northland / Auckland / Waikato
A-Rated Wastewater Services Ltd
Kevin - Phone 027 273 6967
Office - 09 412 7588
Whitianga - Coromandel
Whitianga Plumbing & Drainage Ltd
Aaron Costello
027 488 3369
Tauranga / BoP / South Waikato Taupo
Waikato-Sth Auckland Alternative
Devco Maintenance
Steve De Vega
Phone 020 4045 1094
Hawkes Bay
Devine Plumbing Ltd
88 Thames Street, Pandora
Phone (06) 651 2200
Hawkes Bay alternative Service Agent
Fraser Penny
Wastewater System Servicing
Ph. 022 021 3591
Gisborne - Tai Rawhiti East Coast
Terry Taylor Drainage
89 Customhouse Street,
Phone 06 868 5383
Horizons - Manawatu - Kapiti Coast
Drainage Plus Ltd
Alan Gardner
Ph. 021 221 9400
Wellington Region & Taranaki
Wellington Region & Taranaki
Straight Flush Wairarapa, Wellington and New Plymouth
Phone 06 370 0006
0800 370 000
-Canterbury- Otago
Water Polishers
Joe Compton
Ph. 027 571 5423
Nelson Marlborough region
Tuffnel Plumbing & Drainage
Ph. (03) 543 8090